Let’s face it, the iPhone was probably the most signifigant thing that happened to photography in the last 20 years.
And a lot has happened to photography in the past 20 years!
Today marks 15 years since the debut of the iPhone, effectively making every human on the planet a photographer.
This single act, together with other smartphone manufacturers, forever changed photography from both a technigological standpoint as well as an artistic form of expression.
I may be one of the few photographers not threatened by the technology, quite contrary. I’ll be talking more about this in the coming months, but suffice it to say, we are not on a warp speed trajectury into the future.
My final thought until the next related post is to consider what the smartphone has done to our criteria for what makes a photo worthy of our attention when there are so many of the circulating around us each and every day.
Think about that for just a minute.