How to make a good black and white image

How to make a good black and white image

In the workshops I teach, I almost always get asked when using a black and white image to anchor a concept, what makes a good black and white image? That’s a good question. Why do we love black and white and why are we drawn to it? Outside of nostalgia, we...
iPhone Food Photography

iPhone Food Photography

As a commercial photographer with a specialty in Food Photography I get asked often how to take better food images all the time.Whether you are documenting culinary creations for personal or business reasons here are some tips to make the most from the tool you have...
Understanding Image Size

Understanding Image Size

A simple way of looking at image size (resolution) I’m constantly reminded each week by students that many don’t understand image size and image resolution and what they mean. I often request an image or art for a print application and receive a postage size piece of...
Understanding Aperture

Understanding Aperture

Shooting in Aperture Priority Mode Full disclosure: I tried to write this in a few short paragraphs and simply couldn’t. To a new photographer this is a very abstract and difficult topic, maybe the single most difficult topic for a beginning or transitioning...
Escape The Green Zone and Grow

Escape The Green Zone and Grow

Frustrated? Intimidated? Confused? Don’t be, here’s what you need to know… I really felt a need to do a quick post so I could reference it for those who contact me looking for guidance and knowledge. I teach lots and lots of private photo workshops to both beginning...
Photography Quiz

Photography Quiz

Check your basic knowledge of some common photography terms and Techniques. Answers are at the bottom of this post. 1/10 An image file that contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film...