Just do it

Just do it

Want to become a better photographer?Put your camera away. Sometimes the best way to become a photographer is to simply put your camera down and just experience those things that you love so much to shoot. As photographers, we often get too caught up in capturing the...
Happy Birthday iPhone

Happy Birthday iPhone

Let’s face it, the iPhone was probably the most signifigant thing that happened to photography in the last 20 years. And a lot has happened to photography in the past 20 years! Today marks 15 years since the debut of the iPhone, effectively making every human on...
Abstract & Creative Photography

Abstract & Creative Photography

Add Character to Your Images   Full disclosure, this is one of the best photography workshops that I present. You may or may not agree with my premise, but you will love the results none-the-less. The premise is that modern photography equipment almost forces...
Boca Grand Camera Club at Marie Selby Gardens

Boca Grand Camera Club at Marie Selby Gardens

Recently I did a custom photography workshop for members of the Boca Grand Camera Club at Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota, FL. The theme of the workshop was embracing the gardens but we focused on some specific techniques to make our images more interesting and...
Understanding Color Part I

Understanding Color Part I

Perception is everything We actually don’t see color but rather perceive it. That’s because we process color in our brains and not specifically in our eyes. Each of us interprets colors in a different way. We do generally accept that specific colors convey certain...