Sensor Size Matters

Sensor Size Matters

One of the most important decisions you’ll need to make when buying a new camera is whether to buy one with a crop or full frame sensor. Which one you choose is really up to you as there are advantages and disadvantages to each. First I want to say that many...
How to shoot fireworks

How to shoot fireworks

This time of year questions fill my inbox regarding fireworks photography. It’s really a loaded question as many settings and recommendations are situational. However, as an effort of self preservation I’m posting some general guidelines that should give...
How to make a good black and white image

How to make a good black and white image

In the workshops I teach, I almost always get asked when using a black and white image to anchor a concept, what makes a good black and white image? That’s a good question. Why do we love black and white and why are we drawn to it? Outside of nostalgia, we...