Travel Photography Tips

Travel Photography Tips

Let’s face it, in the world today there are probably very few popular travel destinations that haven’t been documented to death. That makes for quite a challenge to capture compelling travel photos that will keep a viewer engaged.  The world is full of boring images...
How to shoot fireworks

How to shoot fireworks

This time of year questions fill my inbox regarding fireworks photography. It’s really a loaded question as many settings and recommendations are situational. However, as an effort of self preservation I’m posting some general guidelines that should give...
Understanding Image Size

Understanding Image Size

A simple way of looking at image size (resolution) I’m constantly reminded each week by students that many don’t understand image size and image resolution and what they mean. I often request an image or art for a print application and receive a postage size piece of...
Understanding Aperture

Understanding Aperture

Shooting in Aperture Priority Mode Full disclosure: I tried to write this in a few short paragraphs and simply couldn’t. To a new photographer this is a very abstract and difficult topic, maybe the single most difficult topic for a beginning or transitioning...
10 Composition Tips

10 Composition Tips

I often profess that there are 4 ingredients to a compelling image in photography. 1. Subject 2. Composition 3. Light and 4. Color. They don’t need to be present in equal proportions but all great images contain these in varying amounts and proportions. Since...