I often profess that there are 4 ingredients to a compelling image in photography. 1. Subject 2. Composition 3. Light and 4. Color. They don’t need to be present in equal proportions but all great images contain these in varying amounts and proportions. Since...
Recipe for success I’ve stated in more than one photo workshop that making a compelling image is a combination of many things but in my mind there are four main ingredients that keep it pretty simple: Subject, Composition, Light and Color. They don’t have to be in...
Anybody who has taken one of my workshops will remember that Light is one of my 4 key elements that are paramount to a great image (along with color, composition and subject). We talk about quality of light a lot in photography. I often use the word magic a lot when...
A simple way to add some variety to your compositions Yesterday I took a photography student who’s passion was botany to Selby Gardens for a session of inspiration. She felt her images were becoming repetitive. After showing me a portfolio of her favorite 20 or so...
Recently I took a small group of students to Venice, FL as the backdrop to explore and practice the concept of using lines in our photography to create more compelling images. Lines are found all around us in both our natural world as well as our man made world. Lines...
Customized photography sessions make the perfect gift for any photography enthusiast.