Has photography become too easy?

Has photography become too easy?

As a professional photographer, marketing professional and instructor I often ask myself this question. In fact, no question in photography is more important to me, my work clients or my photography students. Everyone is a photographer these days, and that’s a...
How to make a good black and white image

How to make a good black and white image

In the workshops I teach, I almost always get asked when using a black and white image to anchor a concept, what makes a good black and white image? That’s a good question. Why do we love black and white and why are we drawn to it? Outside of nostalgia, we...
How to create a compelling image

How to create a compelling image

Recipe for success I’ve stated in more than one photo workshop that making a compelling image is a combination of many things but in my mind there are four main ingredients that keep it pretty simple: Subject, Composition, Light and Color. They don’t have to be in...