Understanding Image Size

Understanding Image Size

A simple way of looking at image size (resolution) I’m constantly reminded each week by students that many don’t understand image size and image resolution and what they mean. I often request an image or art for a print application and receive a postage size piece of...
Warhol – Flowers in the Factory

Warhol – Flowers in the Factory

This is your official reminder that the Andy Warhol tribute Flowers in the Factory is only available til June 30th. That gives you one more month to see this great exhibit at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. We’ve held several workshops at Selby and everybody has...
10 Composition Tips

10 Composition Tips

I often profess that there are 4 ingredients to a compelling image in photography. 1. Subject 2. Composition 3. Light and 4. Color. They don’t need to be present in equal proportions but all great images contain these in varying amounts and proportions. Since...
Escape The Green Zone and Grow

Escape The Green Zone and Grow

Frustrated? Intimidated? Confused? Don’t be, here’s what you need to know… I really felt a need to do a quick post so I could reference it for those who contact me looking for guidance and knowledge. I teach lots and lots of private photo workshops to both beginning...