Fabulous Flowers

Fabulous Flowers

Fabulous Flowers Create beautiful images of flowers that stand out from the rest.  Flowers are all around us and like images of sunsets, almost ubiquitous to photography itself. But with so many millions of images of the same scene how can we make our images stand out...
Botany in Black and White

Botany in Black and White

Beautiful Botany in Black & White Colorful images without using color at all.  Some of the most memorable images of both the past and present were presented in Black and White. Think Ansel Adams, Clide Butcher, Annie Leibovitz to name a few. Black and white images are...
Botany images made simple

Botany images made simple

Botany Images Made Real Simple Create captivating botany images that stand out from the rest.  Using the “Less is More” mantra we will explore ways to create beautiful and compelling images by breaking them down to their bare essence. This requires a very clear vision...
20 Quick Photography Tips

20 Quick Photography Tips

20 Quick Photography Tips 20 Quick Photography Tips In this three-hour workshop we will discuss 20 things you can do to immediately improve your photography no matter what your level of proficiency is. Some points are technical, some explore composition and some...
Golden Hour

Golden Hour

"The Golden Hour" Shooting Sunsets “The Golden Hour” Sunsets are always magical and have always intrigued me as no two are never the same. The conditions change rapidly and I can’t tell you how many unbelievable opportunities I’ve missed...