Photography Bootcamp

Photography Bootcamp

Photography Bootcamp Photography Bootcamp If you are new to photography, intimidated by the user manual and countless settings, stuck in Auto mode, still shooting JPEGs or simply want a comprehensive refresher this workshop is for you. All cameras basically preform...
20 Quick Photography Tips

20 Quick Photography Tips

20 Quick Photography Tips 20 Quick Photography Tips In this three-hour workshop we will discuss 20 things you can do to immediately improve your photography no matter what your level of proficiency is. Some points are technical, some explore composition and some...
Golden Hour

Golden Hour

"The Golden Hour" Shooting Sunsets “The Golden Hour” Sunsets are always magical and have always intrigued me as no two are never the same. The conditions change rapidly and I can’t tell you how many unbelievable opportunities I’ve missed...
Visual Poetry Workshop

Visual Poetry Workshop

Visual Poetry Workshop Visual Poetry In this 3 hour workshop we will explore what makes a great image and how you can incorporate perhaps a new and different creative approach into the style of photography that interests you the most. Your images will have more...