Sarasota Photo School Blog

Content is divided into 4 categories including inspiration, how to, gear and events. If you have any questions about any of these topics or how SRQPS can help you, your group or business please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to reach out.

Fresh Content

What Is a Good Image?

art and craft of photography

Something Different

Butterfly Workshop

When Selby Gardens asked me to present butterfly photography workshops at the Historic Spanish Point Campus in Osprey, Florida I was somewhat hesitant as I’m not really a “Macro Guy”, and didn’t really know anything about butterflies other than they were kind of “cool”… It turned out to be an A-Z workshop in photography on one single workshop. 


Inspiration & How To Posts

Has photography become too easy?

Has photography become too easy?

As a professional photographer, marketing professional and instructor I often ask myself this question. In fact, no question in photography is more important to me, my work clients or my photography students. Everyone is a photographer these days, and that's a good...

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How to make a good black and white image

How to make a good black and white image

In the workshops I teach, I almost always get asked when using a black and white image to anchor a concept, what makes a good black and white image? That's a good question. Why do we love black and white and why are we drawn to it? Outside of nostalgia, we haven't...

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iPhone Food Photography

iPhone Food Photography

As a commercial photographer with a specialty in Food Photography I get asked often how to take better food images all the time.Whether you are documenting culinary creations for personal or business reasons here are some tips to make the most from the...

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Understanding Image Size

Understanding Image Size

A simple way of looking at image size (resolution) I’m constantly reminded each week by students that many don’t understand image size and image resolution and what they mean. I often request an image or art for a print application and receive a postage size piece of...

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Understanding Aperture

Understanding Aperture

Shooting in Aperture Priority Mode Full disclosure: I tried to write this in a few short paragraphs and simply couldn't. To a new photographer this is a very abstract and difficult topic, maybe the single most difficult topic for a beginning or transitioning...

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10 Composition Tips

10 Composition Tips

I often profess that there are 4 ingredients to a compelling image in photography. 1. Subject 2. Composition 3. Light and 4. Color. They don’t need to be present in equal proportions but all great images contain these in varying amounts and proportions. Since...

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Gear & Events Posts

Happy Birthday iPhone

Happy Birthday iPhone

Let's face it, the iPhone was probably the most signifigant thing that happened to photography in the last 20 years. And a lot has happened to photography in the past 20 years! Today marks 15 years since the debut of the iPhone, effectively making every human on the...

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Abstract & Creative Photography

Abstract & Creative Photography

Add Character to Your Images   Full disclosure, this is one of the best photography workshops that I present. You may or may not agree with my premise, but you will love the results none-the-less. The premise is that modern photography equipment almost forces...

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Private Photography Workshops for Business

Private Photography Workshops for Business

On-Site Photography Skills Training Recently SRQ Photo School presented a series of four private photography sessions to Cabex Construction in Sarasota, FL. The end game was to help Cabex become more competant internally with their photogrpaphy thus reducing the need...

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Contact SRQPS

Feel free to reach out anytime.

Sarasota, FL  34242

‭(941) 350-9064

Get in touch for question or comments:

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