Private Photography Workshops for Business

Private Photography Workshops for Business

On-Site Photography Skills Training Recently SRQ Photo School presented a series of four private photography sessions to Cabex Construction in Sarasota, FL. The end game was to help Cabex become more competant internally with their photogrpaphy thus reducing the need...
Boca Grand Camera Club Workshop

Boca Grand Camera Club Workshop

SRQ Photo School was happy to welcome some members of the Boca Grand Camera Club who braved some cold weather in February to work on some key concepts while exploring the Selby Gardens Historic Spanish Point Campus in Osprey, FL. After a brief presentation discussing...
Butterfly Photography Workshop

Butterfly Photography Workshop

Who doesn’t love a butterfly?   I was asked by the education director at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota to present a photography workshop on Butterflies at the Historic Spanish Point Campus. Disclosure: I am not an entomologist nor an expert on...
2021 Selby Gardens Orchid Show

2021 Selby Gardens Orchid Show

Join us for two specialty photography workshops open to all levels and equipment, even smart phone cameras! As the only botanical garden in the world dedicated to the display and study of orchids, bromeliads, gesneriads and ferns, epiphytes, and tropical plants, Selby...
Step Up From Smart Phone to Camera

Step Up From Smart Phone to Camera

Thinking about taking the leap from yoru smartphone to a camera? Here are a few things you might like to know. My wife loves shooting with her smart phone and she wants to get into photography, what should I do? I literally get asked this via email or text at least 3x...